With Opiate Addiction Treatment Texas Addicts Can Learn To Live Drug Free

By Carol Anderson

Addiction is debilitating and rob addicts from the chance to lead productive and fulfilling lives. It robs addicts of their health and sometimes it even robs them of their families and careers. Dependency on ordinary substances such as prescription pain killers have shown a steady rise over the past few years. There have even been deaths due to an overdose of pain killers. By actively seeking opiate addiction treatment Texas addicts can make a full recovery.

Health experts have warned that dependency upon pain killers is fast becoming a very serious problem that can have a devastating effect upon society as a whole. The trend is difficult to stop because purchasing pain killers with a prescription is not illegal. Too many doctors are careless when they issue prescriptions and a thriving black market supply the needs of those addicts that are unable to obtain a prescription.

The signs indicative of addiction to pain killers are not always as easy to recognize as is the case in many other types of drugs. Some warning signs include a tendency to purchase pain killers from different outlets each time and seeing different doctors regularly. Many addicts will become restless and agitated if they run out of pain killers and they may even feign illness.

Even when families are one hundred per cent sure that a loved one is addicted to pain killers not much can be done until the addict admits his problem and express a sincere desire for help. Rehabilitation centres have limited resources and their programs have limited vacancies. They will therefore only agree to take on a case if they are sure that the addict truly desires help and that he will cooperate in the rehabilitation process.

The first step in any rehabilitation program is to detoxify the patient. This can be an extraordinary stressful step for both the patient and his minders. Patients may become distressed, depressed and even suicidal and they often have to be watched day and night. In severe cases patients are given drugs that will help them cope with the withdrawal symptoms. Care must be taken, however, not to encourage a new type of dependency.

Detoxification is only the first step on a long road to recovery. Therapy helps the patients to come to terms with the circumstances and situations that led to their addiction in the first place. They need to learn how to cope with day to day frustrations and they must learn to avoid those situations most likely to relapse. At the same time they need to develop a healthy self image and they need to become motivated about leading full lives.

Once the rehabilitation program is completed the patient enters into a very dangerous phase. Many patients find it difficult and stressful to adjust to a new way of life and even minor disappointments can undermine their resolve, causing them to return to old and trusted coping mechanisms, taking pain killers again. This can be prevented if families provide ongoing loving support and encouragement.

Experts agree that the rising number of people dependent upon pain killers can partly be ascribed to the fact that they are far too easy too obtain. They advocate stricter control over prescription medication and even formal structures for disciplining doctors that provide prescriptions in an irresponsible manner. Only time will tell whether these measure will help.

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