Top Discussions in Logistics
Top Discussions in Logistics
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What is the most important thing in warehouse?
Top Answer: The most important list is certainly not all-inclusive. Physical Location When deciding on which warehouse to use, choosing the one with the best physi... See more
Prabin Rai
Answer added by: Prabin Rai
Is it cost efficient to have your own Logistics company to do your distribution than to outsource from external firms?
Top Answer: It's a very complex question but I think, building your own Logistics company requires you more money  or capital in putting it up. You also have to co... See more
ngonidzashe kasiyandima
Answer added by: ngonidzashe kasiyandima
What are warehouse ventilation design requirements?
Top Answer: All mechanical ventilation and space-conditioning systems shall be designed with and have installed ductwork, dampers, and controls to allow outside ai... See more
شريف محمد ابراهيم مصطفى
Answer added by: شريف محمد ابراهيم مصطفى
What is the purpose of stock control or inventory management?
Top Answer: Rather than having a purchasing manager responsible for just stock control and purchasing, it can be a good idea instead to have a materials manager wh... See more
Moin Akber
Answer added by: Moin Akber
I'm not good at calculations , am I eligible to pursue courses in logistics?
Top Answer: It depends where do you want to pursue the courses. Some colleges may require you to take liberal arts courses in areas like math, science, the arts, E... See more
Soneya Pradhan
Answer added by: Soneya Pradhan
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