[‏‎Fitness Vibe - Get With The Fitness Vibe‎‏] ‏‎‎That was one of the best Bokwa classes tonight...‎‎‏

  ‏تم النشر في ‏‎ Fitness Vibe - Get With The Fitness Vibe ‎‏ من قبل ‏‎ Stephanie Farthing ‎‏‏.       Stephanie Farthing ‏29 يوليو‏، الساعة ‏10:08 مساءً‏   That was one of the best Bokwa classes tonight Akile Kyriakou-Alexander. You don't even know you are exercising as you are having so much fun! Loved all the energy in the room and that has taken my addiction to a new high x   أعجبني تعليق    
‏تم النشر في ‏‎Fitness Vibe - Get With The Fitness Vibe‎‏ من قبل ‏‎Stephanie Farthing‎‏‏.
Stephanie Farthing
‏29 يوليو‏، الساعة ‏10:08 مساءً‏
That was one of the best Bokwa classes tonight Akile Kyriakou-Alexander. You don't even know you are exercising as you are having so much fun! Loved all the energy in the room and that has taken my addiction to a new high x
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